[act-ma] 3/10 Venezuela Democracy vs Dictatorship

Charlie Welch cwelch at tecschange.org
Tue Feb 20 20:15:59 PST 2007

The Boston Bolivarian Circle is holding a forum on Sat. March 10th, at 
4:00 pm in Encuentro5, 5th floor, 33 Harrison Ave., Chinatown, Boston.
The Circle members will give an introduction outlining some of the 
recent events in Venezuela and then open the floor for discussions.
This is an opportunity to inform yourself of what is really going on in 
Venezuela and to express your opinions. We'll all learn from this 
Subjects to cover:
The nationalization of the telecommunication company CANTV, electric 
company, and the oil concessions.
The enabling law.
Ending of the transmission license of RCTV.
Socialism of XXI Century. 
Literature on the above subjects will be available.
There will be a moderator that will set time rules in order that all 
have a chance to express their opinions.

Please join us for this eye opener event.
$5.00 donation at the door.

Info: cbmlkboston at hotmail.com
Jorge Marin CB-Martin Luther King, Jr. Boston, MA The Bolivarian Circles 
in the USA seek to inform the american public of what is really going on 
in Venezuela. We respect the laws of the US and we aim to improve the 
relations between our two countries.

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