[act-ma] Protest ICE Raids!

Boston Militant Labor Forum bostonmlf at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 12 20:27:53 PDT 2007

The Militant Labor Forum presents:

Protest ICE Raids!
Legalize All Immigrants Now!
    More than 300 federal immigration agents
accompanied by state and local police raided Michael
Bianco Inc., a New Bedford, Massachusetts leather
manufacturer, March 6. 
    Agents herded more than 350 of the company’s 500
employees onto buses and shipped them to detention
facilities close to two hours away at Fort Devens near
     Later that evening more than a hundred friends
and relatives of those arrested gathered at Our Lady
of Guadalupe at Saint James Church, where they made
initial plans for providing care for children left
parentless by the migra roundup, legal steps to fight
possible deportations, and participation in protests
against the raid.
    Since then immigrant workers and their supporters
have staged numerous protests against the raid and the
government’s drive to deport hundreds.
Come discuss why raids like the one in New Bedford are
a blow against the entire labor movement and why all
working people and fighters for social justice should
join in demanding: Halt the ICE raids! Legalize all
immigrants now!

Speaker: Bill Estrada, Socialist Workers Party; others
to be announced

Friday, March 16
Dinner 6:30 pm  Program 7:30 pm
Militant Labor Forum Hall
13 Bennington Street, 2nd Floor, East Boston

Suggested donation: $5 dinner, $5 program
For more information call 617-569-9169
Traducción inglés-español / español-inglés

Visit themilitant.com and pathfinderpress.com websites
for news, analysis, books, and pamphlets.

T Blue Line to Maverick Station, bus or walk 5 blocks
down Meridian to Bennington at Liberty Plaza

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