[act-ma] 5/16: Celebrate Gleaning with the Boston Area Farm Gleaning Project

George Mokray gmoke at world.std.com
Sat Apr 21 19:33:59 PDT 2007

Wednesday, May 16
7 pm
Regent Theatre, dance studio
Arlington MA
An evening with refreshments, a talk on gleaning by Oakes Plimpton, 
and the Agnes Varda documentary The Gleaners and I (2000, France) to 
celebrate a new non-profit forming:  Boston Area Farm Gleaning Project
Tickets are $10
BAFGP membership is $10 contribution
Oakes Plimpton is the coordinator of the Boston Area Farming Gleaning 
Project [BAFGP] and has been present at the creation of farmers' 
markets, community gardens, community land trusts, and CSAs. He's one 
of the little known heroes of local agriculture.  

Now he's re-establishing the practice of gleaning.  

Thanks, Oakes, for all your work.

Gleaning is a Biblical term referring to the ancient law requiring 
farmers to let poor people onto their farms after harvest to "glean" 
whatever produce was left in the fields. There is no such law now, 
and farmers often plow under produce either because they planted too 
much, it's over-ripe, or insect,  animal, or frost damaged.  Despite 
cosmetic appearances, this food is still edible and nutritious. The 
Project has been operating for three years already.  Oakes, who also 
manages the Arlington Farmers' Market, tried to persuade Food For 
Free and some of the others who receive gleaned produce to take on 
this project, but nobody took on the project.  He saw the necessity 
for a new organization and is looking for help with the challenge.

Tickets will be available at the door, but we hope you will send in 
your ticket money ($10 check made out to B.A.F.G.P. addressed to 67 
Coolidge Road, Arlington MA 02476).  Please become a member for only 
$10.  I'm sure volunteer contributions are welcome.

PS:  There's a time banking group and a do it yourself club starting 
in Cambridge, MA too.  Social economics is busting out all over.

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