[act-ma] Socialism 2007 Conference - Building Socialism for the 21st Century

ISO - Boston isoboston at yahoo.com
Fri May 4 11:18:45 PDT 2007

The Boston branch of the International Socialist Organization invites you to attend SOCIALISM 2007.  To coordinate transportation and housing from Boston, please contact isoboston at yahoo.com or 617-648-0561.

A weekend of political debate, discussion and entertainment
June 14-17  |  Chicago

SOCIALISM 2007 is a three-day event cosponsored by Socialist Worker that will bring together socialists and other activists involved in struggles across the country. Among the more than 100 events at Socialism 2007 are films, music and--of course--political discussions, on topics ranging from imperialism and the U.S. war machine, to the hidden history of international working-class struggle, to Marxist theory. You can find all the details at http://www.socialismconference.org.

Featured speakers include | John Pilger, journalist, activist and filmmaker | Amy Goodman, host, Democracy Now! | Jeremy Scahill, author, Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army | Laura Flanders, radio host, Air America | Anthony Arnove, author, Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal | Kelly Dougherty, Camilo Mejía and Garrett Reppenhagen, Iraq Veterans Against the War | Jeffrey St. Clair, author, Grand Theft Pentagon | Sharon Smith, SW columnist and author, Subterranean Fire | Dahr Jamail, independent journalist covering the Iraq war | Barbara Becnel, anti-death penalty activist and advocate for the late Stan Tookie Williams | Dave Zirin, Nation sports columnist and author, What's My Name, Fool? | Paul D'Amato, author, The Meaning of Marxism | Dr. John Carlos, bronze medalist, 1968 Mexico City Olympics, where he raised the Black Power salute | Phil Gasper, editor, The Communist Manifesto: A Road Map to History's Most Important Political Document | and many,
 many more.

Registration for all four days of the conference is $85. Right now, you can sign up online for a special early registration rate of $75. To register, go to to:

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