[act-ma] May 18th Anti-War Forum: Which Way Forward?

Bryan Koulouris brykoulouris at yahoo.com
Fri May 11 15:29:42 PDT 2007

********PLEASE FORWARD WIDELY**********

Friday, May 18, 7-9pm 

'Ending the War: Peace Movement Leaders Ask, Which Way
at the Central Congregational Church, 85 Seaverns Ave,
Jamaica Plain, MA, 02130

The Greater Boston Stop the Wars Coalition invites you
to a discussion of the way forward with presentations
by Joe Gerson (American Friends Service Committee),
Anne Miller (NH Peace Action), Dorotea Manuela (Boston
Rose Parks Human Rights Day Committee), and Eljeer
Hawkins (Socialist Alternative).  

Informal reception to follow.  For more info:
info at stopthewars.org, or (617) 482-3090.  

$10 donation requested, but no one will be turned away
for lack of funds.  Open to the public.   

To download the flyer about the event, go to: http://www.massglobalaction.org/projects/flyer-2007-05-18-1.pdf

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