[act-ma] Thrs May 24, 8:00 PM - BPFF Presents Gala Fundraiser & Dance Party :: Red Fez

PF Soto pfsoto at mynas.com
Wed May 23 09:07:50 PDT 2007

Please circulate widely.
The party will go on till 1am for those who want to stay and party with 
us :)
Thank you.

BPFF Logo <http://www.bostonpalestinefilmfest.org/>



*Boston Palestine Film Festival Presents *

*Gala Fundraiser and Dance Party*


*/Red Fez, 1222 Washington St, Boston/*

*/Thursday, May 24th, 8 PM -- 11 PM/*


The Red Fez, 1222 Washington St, Boston (South End) Thursday May 24th, 8 
PM - 11PM Enjoy an exciting social evening in the South End with good 
food, live music, Dabke performance, dancing (with DJ Kamal), and 
screenings of film trailers to support the upcoming Boston Palestine 
Film Festival (Sept-Oct 2007). $35 (general admission), $25 (students) 
includes food. Wine & beer available for purchase separately.


RSVP: info AT bostonpalestinefilmfest.org :: 


Red Fez Restaurant Pictures


*Boston Palestine Film Festival  ::  Celebrating Palestinian Films, Arts 
and Culture*


The Red Fez <http://www.theredfez.com> has FREE PARKING, an outdoor 
patio and is MBTA accessible on the Silver Line


 * Download Event Flyer 

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