[act-ma] 6/20 Global Warming Documentary (Wed) [ premiere! ]

James in Cambridge tompaine at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 14 18:42:47 PDT 2007

      *Everything's Cool *
        a public film screening with *Ross Gelbspan* author of
       The Heat is On , and  Boiling Point

  June 20th  6-9 PM
  Harvard Science Center, Hall A
  (immediately north of Harvard Yard proper)

  "The incredible story of a handful of global warming messengers
    speaking out in a time of disinformation."

Additional Info about the film is posted at the following URL:

>Jenny MacGregor
>Events and Publications Coordinator
>Harvard University Center for the Environment
>ph: 617-495-8883
  [intro to original email message from Jenny here:]

>From: Jenny MacGregor <jenny_macgregor at harvard.edu>
>To: Jenny MacGregor <jenny_macgregor at harvard.edu>
>Subject: Global Warming Documentary June 20
>Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2007 14:18:44 -0400
>Dear Center for the Environment Faculty and Friends,
>*Please see below for details on a special film screening on June 20th 
>sponsored by the Harvard Extension School Environment Club.
>Kindest Regards,
>Jenny MacGregor
>Harvard University Center for the Environment*

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