[act-ma] 7/25 SHaRC prison moratorium meeting

Andrea Hornbein mononoke at 7gp.org
Tue Jul 17 18:13:49 PDT 2007

Hi all,
The next SHaRC meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 25th, 6pm at the
Community Church of Boston.  The Community Church is located at 565 Boylston
St. (Copley Square) in Boston.
We have begun a very exciting work plan including short- and long-term goals
to implement a moratorium on jail and prison construction/expansion in MA,
in support of HB 1723, "an act relative to incarceration... ."  We will
continue with this at our July meeting.  Please join us!
Hope to see you all there!
Download Petition 
Text of HB 1723
Why Support? See SHaRC's 3-fold pamphlet.  
Contact us
info at MassDecarcerate.org
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