[act-ma] Outreach for a New England wide Anti-War demonstration on Oct. 27

Charlie Welch cwelch at tecschange.org
Mon Aug 13 07:12:04 PDT 2007

Outreach letter to endorse/build Oct. 27 regional demo.

UFPJ, the largest national peace and justice coalition, has issued a call 
for massive regional demonstrations against the Iraq war on Saturday, 
October 27.

We must end the war now, and stop its escalation and expansion into other 

The New England regional demonstration will be held in Boston.  We are 
calling on the 70% of people in the US who oppose the war to stand up and be 

Your organization is invited to endorse and build the October action and to 
send representatives to the second planning meeting on Saturday, August 18.

The meeting will take place at the Friends Meeting House, 5 Longfellow Park 
in    Cambridge MA  from 1 until 5.
Please come and help us make this the largest action Boston has ever seen.

Yours in peace and justice,

New England United for October 27

You can send your endorsements to Ann Glick aglick at hotmail.com.

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