[act-ma] 8/30 - HONK TO IMPEACH action at Rep. Capuano's office Cambridge, starts at 10am (Thurs)

Tom Page tompage1 at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 28 12:17:12 PDT 2007

Announcing a new event for Bostonians for the Overthrow of King George!

What: HONK TO IMPEACH action at Rep. Capuano's office, Thurs 8/30, 10am, Cambridge, MA

When: Thursday, August 30, starting at 10:00 AM

Where: Outside Rep. Capuano's office, 110 First St. Cambridge, MA (next to the Cambridgeside Galleria)

Event Description: 
  Our next HONK-TO-IMPEACH action will be a SPECIAL EVENT - outside Congressman Michael Capuano's office in Cambridge!

We met with the Congressman three weeks ago to press him to impeach Bush & Cheney.

Now, another local group is planning to meet with Rep. Capuano to demand impeachment on Thurs. 8/30 at 10:30 am.

So, we'd like to get all the traffic passing by honking outside his office by 10 am - so that he can hear inside that his constituents are angry and want Bush & Cheney imeached now!

This is our best opportunity yet to make the case directly to our elected representive in Congress that a majority of the people in Boston, Cambridge, and Somerville (Capano's constituents) want Bush & Cheney punished for their crimes and specifically would like Rep. Capuano to step up and impeach them!

So, come on out and join us this Thursday morning @ 10 am. The HONK-TO-IMPEACH event will run until at least about 1pm (perhaps all day, if enough people join us). So, even if you can't make it there at 10am - while the meeting with Capuano is going on inside - stop by (or drive by and HONK) on your lunch hour if you live or work locally.


It's really fun to get all the traffic honking and VERY EMPOWERING to see firsthand just how many people in this area now openly support impeachment and are willing to declare it LOUDLY & PUBLICLY.

And, THIS TIME IT'S SPECIAL! This time Congressman Capuano is the target of our action (& not just the general public). So, let's make sure he hears and remembers all the ruckus from his constients outside his office this Thursday before he head back to DC in September!

Congressman Capuano's office is at 110 First St. in Cambridge, by the Cambridgeside Galleria, between BEST BUY and the entrance to the parking area for the the Galleria. (It is easy to get to, just a block from the Lechmere stop on the Green Line - which is also a stop for many local busses. And, there is plenty of low-cost parking at the Galleria.) 

(If you can't make it to his office in Cambridge this Thursday, why not give Rep. Capuano's office a call on Thursday morning and demand impeachment directly! The phone number there is: 617-621-6208. Ask to talk to Mike. We know he'll be there all morning! Let him know how you feel! ;)

(For more info on the meeting inside the office with Rep. Capuano on Thursday, please contant Jim Wallace: )

For direction and to RSVP for the event, click here:

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