[act-ma] Please post with your announcements

Liz Zoob lizzoob at earthlink.net
Tue Sep 18 17:54:49 PDT 2007

Please post this announcement for the Boston Workmen's Circle Yiddish
Community Chorus.

Event dates are September 29 and October 13.  
Here is the text:

Sing for justice with A Better World Community Chorus. OPEN REHEARSALS
Saturday, September 29 and October 13, 3:30-5:30pm, 1762 Beacon Street,
Brookline. A Besere Velt (A Better World), Yiddish Community Chorus of the
Workmen's Circle opens membership once a year. No auditions. No knowledge of
Yiddish required. For more information:
<mailto:lisa at workmenscircleboston.org> lisa at workmenscircleboston.org or
Thanks very much,
Liz Zoob
for A Besere Velt

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