[act-ma] 10/20-Eyewitness Colombia: People's Resistance Against U.S. Sponsored Terror Campaign

Boston WWP boston at workers.org
Mon Oct 15 19:50:06 PDT 2007

/*Workers World Party Forum
*Eyewitness Colombia: People's Resistance Against*
*U.S. Sponsored Terror Campaign and the Transnational Corporations*

*Sat., Oct. 20 - 7:00pm*
*Action Center*
*284 Amory St. (The Brewery), Jamaica Plain, MA

Childcare    Refreshments    Wheelchair Accessible
617-983-3835     boston at workers.org*


    * Update on the Current Struggle Against the Uribe Regime and its
      U.S. Sponsors
    * Report from Special Session of the Permanent People's Tribunal
      Bogota, Colombia - August 3 & 4, 2007
    * Commemorate the Life of Che Guevara, 40 Years After His
      Assassination by the CIA
    * Presentations will include video footage and a slide show of the
      People's Tribunal

/*Speakers: */

*Berta Joubert Ceci*
Mundo Obrero Editor (Workers World Newspaper's Spanish page), 
journalist, National Committee of WWP

*Deirdre Griswold*
Founding member Workers World Party, editor of Workers World Newspaper, 
co-judge at Permanent People's Tribunal

*Mia Campbell*
Fight Imperialism Stand Together (F.I.S.T.)

Joubert-Ceci and Griswold attended the Permanent People's Tribunal which 
put Occidental Petroleum (US), British Petroleum and Reposal(Spain) on 
trial for murdering and torturing Colombian peasant, union and community 

The Tribunal exposed the connection between Colombian Army, paramilitary 
forces & government of Pres. Alvaro Uribe Velez It highlighted U.S. 
imperialism's role in supporting violence in Colombia in order to keep 
their oil profits flowing.

Uribe's ties to Colombia death squads exposed 
<http://www.workers.org/2007/world/colombia-0308/index.html> by Berta 
Joubert Ceci
Oil companies behind violence in Colombia 
<http://www.workers.org/2007/world/colombia-0830/index.html> by Deirdre 
Colombia tribunal examines role of oil companies 
<http://www.workers.org/2007/world/colombia-0823/index.html> by Deirdre 

Workers World Party
boston at workers.org <mailto:boston at workers.org>

<mailto:boston at workers.org>*National Office
wwp at workers.org

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