[act-ma] 11/12 Immigrant Rights and The Other Campaign (Tonight)

Charlie Welch cwelch at tecschange.org
Mon Nov 12 11:28:33 PST 2007

This is part of a tour put on by the Mexico Solidarity Network out of
Chicago.  Teschange has been working with them for a number of years.

The Mexico Solidarity Network presents a dialogue with members of the
immigrant rights movement to explore connections between organizing and
autonomy on both sides of the border focusing on the role of  the
National Urban-Rural Council from Tlaxcala, Mexico and participation as
adherents to the Zapatista’s Other Campaign.

Monday, November 12th   5 pm
Harvard Univeristy 
Phillips Brooks House, 
in Harvard Yard but Closer to the Science Center than Mass Ave.

Topics for discussion:
-> The struggle for the recognition of immigrant workers’ rights
-> The transnational (both sides of the border) struggle for autonomy.
-> The work in organizing from below and to the left
-> The struggle to exercise self determination as a means to citizenship.

For more information: corry at mexicosolidarity.org <http://act-ma.org/mailman/listinfo/act-ma_act-ma.org>

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