[act-ma] Thurs: Pastor Gloria White Hammond "Bearing Witness in Darfur" (11/29)

Jamaica Plain Forum jamaicaplainforumsarah at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 14:37:53 PST 2007

"Bearing Witness in Darfur: Who Will Be My Sister's Keeper?" with
Pastor Gloria White-Hammond

Thursday, November 29th, 7:00pm

Pastor Gloria White-Hammond, M.D., co-pastor of Bethel AME church in
Jamaica Plain, visits the Jamaica Plain Forum to share insights from
her seven years of humanitarian work in the Darfur region of Sudan.
Please come to learn about her ground-breaking work with Sudanese
women, and their efforts toward reconciliation and reconstruction of
their communities.

This event is held in recognition of International Day for the
Elimination of Violence Against Women (Nov. 25th), World AIDS Day
(Dec. 1st), and Human Rights Day (Dec. 10th).

The Jamaica Plain Forum
First Church in Jamaica Plain, Unitarian Universalist Sanctuary
6 Eliot St. (Across from the Monument)
Jamaica Plain

MBTA Line: 39 Bus to The Monument, or Orange Line to Green Street or
Forest Hills

Co-Sponsored by My Sister's Keeper, and The Jamaica Plain Clergy Group

Sarah Schwartz Sax
Jamaica Plain Forum Coordinator
Assistant to Chuck Collins

Visit the Jamaica Plain Forum at

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