[act-ma] FW: [BostonGRP] Thurs, Nov 29 at 6pm: Tell Northeastern University to Keep Housing Affordable

danthbagelman at msn.com danthbagelman at msn.com
Tue Nov 27 18:18:49 PST 2007

> Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2007 18:04:55 -0500> From: kimlampereur at gmail.com> To: boston-discuss at green-rainbow.org> Subject: [BostonGRP] Thurs, Nov 29 at 6pm: Tell Northeastern University to Keep Housing Affordable> > FYI- This is one of the most disturbing things I'm working on right> now. Northeastern University is buying up affordable housing to turn> it into dorms or condos. If you're free on Thursday I urge you to come> out and ask why Northeastern is taking affordable housing away from> low-income families who need it to give to privileged college> students. Also, they could change the housing to market rate as soon> as next year instead of waiting until 2023 if HUD is no longer able to> subsidize the building (HUD is billions of dollars short right now).> > Kim> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------> We'd like to invite you to a City Council hearing regarding Northeastern> University's purchase of St. Botolph Terrace, HUD-subsidized affordable> housing at 351-367 Mass Ave. It will be on Thursday, November 29 at 6pm> at the Susan Bailis House at 352 Mass Ave (next to the Mass Ave T stop).> > Background: The Boston Redevelopment Authority approved Northeastern's> application to purchase St. Botolph Terrace on July 19, 2007, one day> after it was filed. The plan allows Northeastern to convert the> apartments to market-rate housing or to dorms or condos in 2023, when> the current HUD subsidy contracts expire. This happened despite promises> from the BRA last year to the St. Botolph Terrace Tenant Association to> work for long-term affordability of the apartments in the event of a> sale, and that the tenants would be consulted every step of the way.> > Instead, the sale of the building, finalized on Nov 15, has been covered> in secrecy. This is part of a disturbing trend of Northeastern> University expanding into the community without consulting community> members.> > The Council has sent official invitations to Northeastern University and> the BRA, so this is our chance to hold them accountable and to pressure> the University to meet with the tenant association and sign a written> agreement to keep the building affordable through 2023 and beyond,> whether or not HUD is properly funded!> > It's crucial that we pack the room so that everyone can see that we> care. Tell everyone to join us on November 29 to tell Northeastern to> keep affordable housing affordable for families who need it!> > For more background, see recent news coverage:> > HUD tenants rally in Fens, call for full Sec. 8 funding> > http://bostonbanner.com/issues/2007/11/22/news/local11220716.htm> > St. Botolph tenants fight for their homes> > http://media.www.nu-news.com/media/storage/paper600/news/2007/11/19/News/St.Botolph.Tenants.Fight.For.Their.Homes-3109476.shtml> > > > For more information contact the Mass Alliance of HUD Tenants at> 617-267-2949.
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