[act-ma] Film: Naseem @ MIT Sunday December 8 2007

litu lituk at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 2 07:47:02 PST 2007

The Alliance for a Secular and Democratic South Asia invites you to the screening of the feature film Naseem to remember and to mark the 15th Anniversary of the demolition of the Babri Masjid in Ayodhya, India.  The film will be introduced by Arpita Banerjee who will also recite a poem on the occasion.
  Saturday, December 8, 2007
  2:00 p.m.
  MIT Building: 32-141
  (morning breeze)
  followed by a discussion
  Directed by: Saeed Akhtar Mirza
  This 1hr 25min film narrates a story of a young Muslim girl (Naseem) and her grandfather in the backdrop of rising communal tensions in India at the time of Ayodhya's Babri Masjid demolition.  Naseem and her family went through the tumults of grave communal strife and through her eyes the film deftly underlines the politics of fear and intolerance in India.  Such identity politics demonizes and alienates minority communities in the attempt to instigate a strident Hindu identity. It justifies the treatment of other religious minorities as guests, who must accommodate themselves in accordance with the culture of the host society – it is “our country, love it or leave it.”
  Contact: notices at alliancesouthasia.org
  Free and open to the public

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