Tom Page tompage1 at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 12 12:30:26 PST 2007

"Gene Karpinski, League of Conservation Voters" <info at lcv.org> wrote:

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  Dear Thomas,
  This is it. The moment we have been waiting for - the energy bill is going to be voted on in the Senate TOMORROW.
  Earlier this week, the Senate dropped one of the key provisions on a renewable electricity standard from the bill. We were disappointed in that decision but ultimately, we still want to push forward with the bill and make progress TODAY and build on the momentum of this victory to make even more progress next year.
  I need your help - you've sent messages to Congress, recruited your friends to send their own messages, contributed to our campaign - can you take the final step and make one quick call today to your Senators and ask them to vote for the Energy bill?
  Calling your Senator is easy and only takes a few minutes. Here's what you need to call:

        WHO:    Senator Kennedy at (202) 224-4543
Senator Kerry at (202) 224-2742
    WHEN:  Wednesday, December 12th    WHAT TO SAY:  Tell the legislative staffer who answers that:     
   As a constituent, I'm paying close attention to the progress of the energy bill in Congress and I urge you to vote for it. This is our chance to put America on the path to energy independence and a cleaner future.  
   I support including the fuel efficiency standards in the final Senate bill, which increases the average mileage of cars and trucks to 35 miles per gallon by 2020.  
   Finally, the final energy bill must include the House provision that reduces tax breaks for Big Oil and establishes incentives for renewable energy.
After you've made your call, please hit "reply" to this message and let me know how your call went.   Thank you for your help,

Gene Karpinski
League of Conservation Voters 
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