[act-ma] IWW Solidarity Benefit Sat. Jan 19 6pm

Sergio Reyes sreyes1 at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 17 20:23:56 PST 2008

   IWW Solidarity Benefit 

An Evening of Film and Music to Benefit the
IWW Food and Allied Workers Union

Saturday, January 19, 2008
6-10 p.m.
Encuentro 5
33 Harrison Avenue, 5th floor, Boston 
   Workers from Flaum Appetizing in New York   
   John McLean on the Need for Industrial Unionism   
   Alex Swoboda from Providence IWW 
  Music from 
   Sarah Lanzillotta   
   Evan Greer   
   Clara Hendricks   
   Sergio Reyes   
   High Plains Thunder   
   Jake and the Infernal Machine   
   Wobbly Jamboree
suggested donation: $10   
Five workers from Top City Produce in New York City were recently fired from their jobs. The “Gang of Five” – Osvaldo, Mario, Diego, Esau, and Carlos – have been some of the strongest and most active members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) since they joined the union almost two years ago.

After one of the workers was suspended, the other four approached the boss in an attempt to discuss the situation. On Monday morning, the boss told them all to wait outside and then never allowed them back in. They continue to be locked out.

Before joining the union, Top City workers consistently pulled 72-hour weeks with no overtime and no benefits. Conditions improved once the shop went union. Workers filed a lawsuit against Top City for wage violations and negotiated a contract with the boss. They were waiting for the boss to sign the contract when they were fired without warning on Monday.

For further information, call 617-625-9070, email bostgmb-l at iww.org , or visit www.iww.org.

Can't make it to the benefit? Please make checks out to IWW I.U. 460/640 and write "Workers Defense Fund" in the memo line. Checks can be mailed to:
  IWW IU 460/640
44-61 11th St., 3rd floor
Long Island City, NY 11110 

Sign the on-line petitions to:

1. Stop the Raids and Deportations, and
2. Demand that the U.S. sign the UN Convention on Migrant Workers Rights

Please go to: http://www.bostonmayday.org
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