[act-ma] WED. 2/7 - RNC Welcoming Committee coming to Boston

Molly Adelstein peacepunk315 at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 1 19:49:41 PST 2008

Another election year is upon us, another year of energy wasted on
candidates who will only continue to preserve and expand the power of
the few wealthy elite while trampling the rights and lives of the
majority of human beings, both in this country and around the world.
Let's show these bastards that we're onto their scheme- by shutting
down the republican and democratic national conventions!

The RNC Welcoming Committee is the anti-authoritarian
organizing body preparing for the 2008 Republican National Convention
in St. Paul, Minnesota (Sept. 1-4). They're on tour and on Wed. they're going to be in Boston. Here's the info:

Wednesday February 7, 2008
7pm @ The Lucy Parsons Center, 549 Columbus Ave, Boston, MA

So what's the tour all about? In their words:
"The RNC Welcoming Committee is delighted to announce an early 2008 tour
of these stolen lands we call the United States. Between the end of
January and the (as-yet-unnamed, pReNC-like) event we’re planning for
Mayday weekend, we’d like to cover the entire country, region by
region, spreading antiRNC fervor and gathering feedback, information
and resources for next September. The more networking and exchange we
have now, the stronger we’ll be come convention crashing time!

Understanding that most people can’t make it out to Minnesota before
the Convention, we see this tour as an opportunity to bring the
Welcoming Committee to your hometown, and to bring your thoughts, ideas
and voices back to Minnesota. We’ll be prepared to do everything from a
basic “What the RNC Will Look Like” presentation, to strategizing and
infoswapping sessions, to one-on-one discussion with folks organizing
for the protests."

So bring your notebooks, bring your questions.

For more info, see:

If you have any questions, feel free to email me.


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