[act-ma] Commemorate 1 year since ICE Raid in New Bedford - Wed. 3/5/08 5pm

Sergio Reyes sreyes1 at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 28 19:39:38 PST 2008

Commemoration of 1-Year Anniversary of ICE Raid On Michael Bianco, Jr. Factory
  Come hear from Bianco factory workers what’s happening today with the 361 workers who were detained last March 
Learn about stepped up ICE raids over the past year and what you can do to support communities to resist them 
See a film on the raid, and hear music and rap to support the workers 
Enjoy some typical Guatemalan snacks 

  Date:  Wednesday, March 5
Time: 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
  Place: City Year, 287 Columbus Ave, Boston 
              (Around the corner from Back Bay T. station)
  Organized by Organization Maya K’iche’, Centro Presente & Center to Support Immigrant Organizing
  Sponsored by Proyecto Hondureño, Boston May Day Coalition, AFSC, MIRA, Chelsea Collaborative, MataHari: Eye of the Day, Guatemala Solidarity Cttee of Boston, City Life/Vida Urbana
  For more information call Centro Presente in Boston at 617-497-9080 or OMK in New Bedford at 508-994-7396; e-mail CSIO at csio at tsne.org 
Conmemoración del Primer Anniversario de la Redada en la Fabrica de Michael Bianco, Jr. 
  La Lucha Sigue! 
  Ven y escucha que está pasando con los 361 trabajadores que fueron detenidos en marzo 2007 
Infórmate sobre las actividades de ICE y que podemos hacer para organizarnos en contra de las redadas 
Tendremos música, un documental sobre las redadas, información y antojitos típicos guatemalteco 

  Dia:   Miércoles, 5 de marzo
Hora:  5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
  Lugar:  City Year, 287 Columbus Ave, Boston 
                    (De la vuelta de la estación de Back Bay (tren de MBTA)
  Organizado por Organization Maya K’iche’, Centro Presente y Center to Support Immigrant Organizing
  Patrocinado por Proyecto Hondureño, Chelsea Collaborative, MIRA, Boston May Day Coalition, AFSC, MataHari: Eye of the Day, Guatemala Solidarity Cttee of Boston, City Life/Vida Urbana
  Para más información contactar a: Centro Presente en Boston al 617-497-9080 o a OMK en New Bedford al 508-994-7396; mande un correo electronico a CSIO a csio at tsne.org

Sign the on-line petitions to:

1. Stop the Raids and Deportations, and
2. Demand that the U.S. sign the UN Convention on Migrant Workers Rights

Please go to: http://www.bostonmayday.org
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