[act-ma] 4/24 Venezuelan Indigenous Groups and Their Land, a documentary- April 24th. 6pm.

Charlie Welch cwelch at tecschange.org
Fri Apr 18 11:08:44 PDT 2008

Our History is  In Our land
Nuestra Historia Esta en la Tierra
A documentary by/Un documental de: Eliézer Arias

The documentary follows a journey throughout the territories of three
indigenous groups, located in the Venezuelan Orinoquia. Their
communities are the backdrops that expose some of the conflicts and
contradictions people are confronting in their demand for land rights
and for self-determination.

WHEN: Thursday April 24th   6:00 pm

WHERE: Harvard University Sever Hall 307 (Quincy St. side) Harvard Yard

Sponsored by: Cultural Survival, Bolivarian Circle Martin Luther King
Jr.  and Student Labor Action Movement

For more information, call: 857-389 6768
iraida blanco <irabla at hotmail.com>

(poster available)

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