[act-ma] Film, Estamos Aqui (We Are Here) May 18, 1:00 PM, Arlington Street Church, 351 Boylston St. Boston

Christine Curtiss chriscrts at verizon.net
Mon May 12 19:30:30 PDT 2008

Ministry for Earth & Social Action Film Series
Sunday, May 18, 1:00 PM at Arlington Street Church,
351 Boylston St., Boston
Estamos Aquí! (We are Here!)

	While lawmakers argue over immigration reform and
Minutemen patrol the Mexican border, millions of
documented and undocumented immigrants alike raise
their voices to relate one undeniable truth:  Estamos
Aquí! A small, traditional, white community becomes
home to thousands of predominantly Guatemalan
immigrants fleeing from the aftermath of a brutal
civil war and escalating poverty. Their struggles, and
those of the community at large, shed light on the
challenges facing millions of Latin Americans who have
come here in search of the “American dream”.

Free and open to the public. The film will be followed
by a discussion.

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