[act-ma] July 23,7pm, Bernard Lown at the Newton Free Library

Amy Hendrickson amyh at texnology.com
Thu Jul 3 13:38:58 PDT 2008

Dr. Bernard Lown, Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Prescription for Survival

End Nuclear Madness

Newton Free Library, Druker Auditorium

330 Homer Street, Newton Centre, MA

617-796-1360 www.newtonfreelibrary.net

Wednesday, July 23 7:00 pm 

Free to the public

“How close we came to extinction, and it is forgotten now.” So begins Nobel Peace Prize winner
Bernard Lown’s story of his fi ght against the nuclear symptom of what he calls “the disease of

militarism.” It is still an active and highly contagious disease, as witnessed by events in Iran,

North Korea, Pakistan and many other places. In his new

memoir, Prescription for Survival, Dr. Lown probes the past to

help us understand what drove, and continues to drive, nuclear

proliferation ultimately showing how concerned citizens

working together across national boundaries can end it.

In 1981, brimming with anxiety about the nuclear

confrontation with the Russians, Lown launched a USAUSSR

anti-nuclear movement with Soviet cardiologist Evgeni

Chazov: International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear

War (IPPNW). Over the next four years, Lown and Chazov

recruited more than 150,000 doctors worldwide to join their

movement, held numerous international conferences, met with

world political leaders and appeared on television programs in

the USSR and the U.S. In 1985, despite active opposition from

the U.S. government and NATO, Lown and Chazov accepted

the Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of IPPNW.

The talk will be followed by a book signing with books provided by New England Mobile Book Fair.
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Subject: Bernard Lown at the Newton Free Library July23
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