[act-ma] 7/16 Winter Soldier: Eye-Witness Accounts of the Occupations

Charlie Welch cwelch at tecschange.org
Tue Jul 15 04:57:00 PDT 2008

/*Winter Soldier: Eye-Witness Accounts of the Occupations*/

*July 16: Hear and Support the Voices of Anti-War Veterans!*

This past spring, Iraq Veterans Against the War gathered in Washington 
DC to give direct testimony about their war experiences and to disclose 
the realities of U.S. war policy in a public investigation called “The 
Winter Soldier Hearings.”

Their demand was clear:
“Bring All the Troops Home Now – and Take Care of Them When They Get Here!”

Now it is time for us to take this powerful testimony and make sure it 
is seen far and wide in our communities, schools, churches and TV stations.

*Join us on Wednesday evening, July 16th:*

· to view some of the most powerful testimony given by the vets in 

· to find out how you or your group can help amplify the voices of these 
courageous soldiers and support their resistance,

· and to learn about the “Soldiers of Conscience Support Network” being 
organized by IVAW and allies in the Boston area.

*7:00 PM on Wednesday, July 16th*
*Cambridge Friends Meeting House*
*9 Longfellow Park, Cambridge*
*(off of Brattle Street out of Harvard Square)*
Sponsored by: New England United, United for Justice with Peace, Stop 
the Wars Coalition, Massachusetts Peace Action, and the American Friends 
Service Committee.
Click here to download a .pdf flyer - and invite others to attend. 

Click here to RSVP and spread the word on Facebook.com 

Click here to spread the word using Boston.com 

For more information on the event, call the AFSC at 617-497-5273.
Learn more about IVAW and Winter Soldier at www.IVAW.org 

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