[act-ma] Unschooling/ Free Schooling Dialogue 9/14

Corry Banton corryb8 at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 8 08:09:29 PDT 2008

Please forward widely:
Sunday September 14th
A dialogue on education:  Building an Unschooling Community
3pm Lucy Parsons Center
549 Columbus Ave.

What effect has the public education system had on our lives?  What is unschooling and non-coercive self directed learning?  Come join us for a discussion on these questions and on how we can build an alternative to what is proposed by the Current models of Mass compulsory education.  Children of all ages are welcome and invite friends, family, or anyone interested in discussing education with us.

Discussion facilitated by Jose Rodriguez, co-founder of the Real School a.k.a. Dragon Valley Free School in Houston, TX.  There may also be participation from folks involved with the Albany Free School.  For more info on the Real School check out www.therealschoolhouston.org  

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