[act-ma] 10/3 Friday Howard Zinn at Boston College

John Trumpbour jtrumpbo at law.harvard.edu
Tue Sep 30 18:23:28 PDT 2008

"Christians in a Warmaking State: Fighting for Peace in Vietnam and
Speakers: Howard Zinn (historian) and Robin Andersen (Fordham
Date and Time of Event: October 3, 2008, Friday, 4 pm
Location: McGuinn Hall, Room 121, Boston College, 140 Commonwealth Ave.,
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
telephone: (617) 277-6856 or email at john_trumpbour at harvard.edu
Event is Free and Open to the Public
On the 40th anniversary of the trial of the Catonsville Nine, historian
Howard Zinn and a distinguished panel discuss the lessons of Vietnam and
Iraq.  Led by Roman Catholic priests Daniel and Philip Berrigan, the
Catonsville peace activists sparked movements for civil disobedience
against the U.S. invasion of Vietnam and remain a source of inspiration
to those seeking an end to the war in Iraq.  As an added bonus, Boston
College sociologist Charles Derber will say a few words about the
current meltdown in financial capitalism.
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