[act-ma] PSL "People over Profits" Campaign Meeting feat. VP Eugene Puryear - 10/25, Grove Hall

Chris Gonsalves chrislgonsalves at gmail.com
Fri Oct 24 07:24:40 PDT 2008

*"Economic Crisis and Endless War: Causes, Questions and Solutions"
Featuring Eugene Puryear, Vice-Presidential Candidate of the Party for
Socialism and Liberation
Saturday, October 25th - 6:00 PM
Freedom House
14 Crawford St.
Grove Hall - Boston, MA

Working people are losing their jobs and homes in record numbers, the cost
of food and gas have skyrocketed, yet Congress and Bush have approved a $700
billion bailout for the rich on Wall St. Over $250 million a day is already
spent on the illegal and unjust war in Iraq.

While they scramble to save their vacation homes, economic crisis is nothing
new for poor and working families who struggle daily just to put food on the
table. In Boston, 40% of adults and more than 30% of children are living in
poverty. The foreclosure rate in Roxbury and Dorchester is four times the
city average. The unemployment rate is five times the city average.

Instead of education health care, and job programs, working people face off
against greedy real estate developers, military recruiters and racist

*Join us for a meeting to learn more about the Party for Socialism and
Liberation's (PSL) "People over Profits" election campaign and share your
thoughts on how we can build a peoples movement and fight for positive
The Party for Socialism and Liberation will be on the presidential ballot in
12 states this November: Vermont, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey,
Florida, Iowa, Wisconsin, Arkansas, Utah, Colorado, Louisiana, and
Washington state.  The PSL is also running local candidates in 3 other
states - California, Illinois, South Dakota - and Washington D.C.  For more
information, visit www.votepsl.org.

Eugene Puryear, the vice-presidential candidate of the PSL, is a student at
Howard University and an active youth organizer in Washington D.C. He is an
organizer with the anti-war coalition A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now To Stop War &
Racism). He is a member of the National Committee of the PSL.

Eugene has played a leading role in many campaigns, from the movement to
Free the Jena 6 to fighting racist police checkpoints in Washington D.C.

For more information, contact:
857-334-5084 | Boston at VotePSL.org | VotePSL.org | PSLWeb.org
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