[act-ma] Free UPandOUT film screening: "The Killing Zone" - Thurs, Nov 6th

pf soto pfsoto at gmail.com
Thu Oct 30 23:04:00 PDT 2008

Showing Thursday, November 6th, in Cambridge:

*/The Killing Zone                                     /*50 min*/  /*
A British report on Israeli violence in Gaza against not only 
Palestinian civilians, but international aid volunteers and foreign 
reporters as well.

In 2003, Dispatches reporter Sandra Jordan and producer Rodrigo Vasquez 
risk their lives to reveal the shocking level of daily violence and 
murderous hate in the Gaza Strip.

Within hours of arriving Sandra and Rodrigo are shot at and tear-gassed 
by Israeli troops breaking up a memorial service for Rachel Corrie, an 
American peace activist crushed by an Israeli Army bulldozer two days 

That sets the tone for a five-week stay in which they document the 
shooting by Israeli troops of the British peace campaigner Tom Hurndall, 
and the death of James Miller, the award-winning cameraman who worked 
extensively for Channel 4, killed as he filmed Israeli troops bulldozing 
Palestinian homes.

The Dispatches team reveals what life is like in what has become a fully 
blown war zone.

7 pm
243 Broadway, Cambridge - corner of Broadway and Windsor,
entrance on Windsor

Please join us for a stimulating night out; bring your friends!
Free film, free refreshments, & free door prizes.
[donations are accepted]

"/You can't legislate good will - that comes through education./" ~ 
Malcolm X

/"...the transfer of [Palestinian] Arab population from the area of the 
Jewish state does not serve only one aim--to diminish the Arab 
population. It also serves a second, no less important, aim which is to 
advocate land presently held and cultivated by the [Palestinian] Arabs 
and thus to release it for Jewish inhabitants."  ~/Yosef Weitz, Jewish 
architect of ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, 1937//


*Unveiling Palestine film series  - see http://rule19.org/videos*
Why should YOU care? It's your money that pays for the occupation &
illegal Israeli settlements.

'/If you don't take responsibility for what goes in your mind, someone 
else will/"

pf soto
rule19.org <http://rule19.org>
UPandOUT.org <http://upandout.org>
AZAPOI.org <http://azapoi.org>

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