[act-ma] Saturday Night -- Nov. 8, 2008

Emily Clifford eecbrd at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 7 13:29:23 PST 2008

Immigration, the Economy, and the Election
The Boston Radical Education Project presents David L. Wilson, co-author, with Jane Guskin, of The Politics of Immigration, Questions and Answers (Monthly Review Press), speaking on what the election results mean for the struggle for immigrant rights, how the economic crisis may affect the struggle, and what strategies the movement should adopt in light of the election and the economy.  You will have a chance to discuss questions and concerns you may have about immigration policy and issues, and to learn how to answer anti-immigrant arguments you hear. 
Who:  David L. Wilson, co-author with Jane Guskin of The Politics of Immigration, Questions and Answers 
What:  Presentation on immigration, the economy, and the election 
When:  Saturday, November 8, 2008 7 p.m. 
Where:  The Democracy Center, 45 Mt. Auburn Street, Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA 
Information & Sponsor:  Boston Radical Education Project, (617) 491-2876, repboston at gmail.com 
Sliding scale suggested donation $5-10; no one turned away for lack of funds. 
Books will be available for purchase. 

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