[act-ma] 11/19 Van Jones EVENT @ MIT CANCELLED [no explanation offered]

James in Cambridge tompaine at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 18 20:21:48 PST 2008

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 
This Event has been CANCELLED - Speaker: Van Jones, founding president of Green For All
Speaker: Van Jones
Time: 5:30p–7:00p 
Location: 32-123 
Van Jones is founding president of Green For All and a senior fellow with the Center for American Progress. He is also the author of The Green Collar Economy (Harper One 2008), which is endorsed by Nancy Pelosi, Tom Daschle and Al Gore. Green For All is a U.S. organization that promotes green-collar jobs and opportunities for the disadvantaged. Its mission is to build an inclusive, green economy - strong enough to resolve the ecological crisis and lift millions of people out of poverty. A 1993 Yale Law graduate, Van is a husband and the father of two small boys. He is a tireless advocate, committed to creating "green pathways out of poverty" and greatly expanding the coalition fighting global warming.
Open to: the general public 
Sponsor(s): Sustainability at MIT
For more information, contact:Adam Siegelasiegs at mit.edu 
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