[act-ma] China Study Group discusses the Cultural Revolution: 6:30 Thursday Dec. 11

Duncan McFarland mcfarland13 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 9 12:40:32 PST 2008

The Cultural Revolution: thoughts, feelings and retrospective.  The Chinese
today speak of "Grandpa Mao" and the story of Marshall Lin Biao, producer of
the little Red Book, is part of an exhibit at the museum of Chinese military
history.   The Chinese are reflecting on history: shall we?   Everyone
may say how the Cultural Revolution affected them one way or the other, and
its meaning today.  Younger folks will add their impressions and discuss
questions like: what is socialism?

Center for Marxist Education, 550 Mass. Ave (2nd floor), Central Square in
Cambridge, 6:30 - 8:00 on Thursday, Dec. 11, 617-354-2876.
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