[act-ma] Rally to Support Colibri Workers

John Gallagher johnniecakes59 at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 2 09:31:13 PST 2009

On January 15, 2009, over 200 workers at Colibri received notice that from that day on, the factory was closed. Meanwhile, many workers had given 10, 20, and 30 years of their hard work to the company. Federal Law requires a minimum of 60 days notice for a major plant closing. We didn't even get one day.   
We Demand: 60 days pay, 60 days health care, and severance for years worked.
Join Fuerza Laboral and Colibri workers in protesting Colibri at their East Providence Plant!
Rally and Press conference

25 Fairmount Ave, East Providence
Tuesday Feb 3 at 12 noon.
Fuerza Laboral is a Rhode Island-based organization of immigrants and low-income workers who organize to end exploitation in the workplace. We train workers in their rights, develop new community leaders, and take direct action against injustice to achieve real victories. 
For more information, call Fuerza Laboral

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