[act-ma] Combatants for Peace at Arlington Street Church March 1

Christine Curtiss chriscrts at verizon.net
Tue Feb 24 17:38:15 PST 2009

Combatants for Peace is a group of Israelis and Palestinians who were actively involved in the cycle of violence in their area. Today they cooperate and commit themselves to the following:
They no longer believe that the conflict can be resolved through violence.
They believe that the blood bath will not end unless they act together to terminate the occupation and stop all forms of violence.
They call for the establishment of a Palestinian State, alongside the State or Israel. The two states can exist in peace and security one by the other.
They will use only non violent means to achieve their goals and call for both societies to end violence.

Combatants for Peace representatives will be at Arlington Street Church, 351 Boylston St., Boston on Sunday, March 1, 12:30-2pm.

Tour sponsors: Sept. 11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, the Rebuilding Alliance, and Peace Abbey of Sherborne MA.

Event sponsors: Arlington St. Church (Social Action Committee) and Jewish Voices for Peace

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