[act-ma] Forum on the Solidarity Economy March 19-22. TWO DAYS LEFT!
lawrenceunifyingproject at gmail.com
Fri Mar 20 21:19:59 PDT 2009
*The U.S. Solidarity Economy Network invites you to the first national*
*Forum on the Solidarity Economy:
**b**uilding another world*
co-convened by
Universidad de los Andes, Venezuela and RIPESS, N. America
*March 19-22, 2009 *Isenberg SOM Bldng, UMass Amherst (Campus
The current economic crisis provides an historic opportunity to push for an
economic system that puts people and planet front and center. The
solidarity economy is a growing global movement that is building real world
practices & policies, grounded in principles of solidarity, sustainability,
equity, participatory democracy and pluralism.
Join us to learn, exchange, network, celebrate, and build ‘another world.’
*Register online<http://populareconomics.org/ussen/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=1>
*Visit the Forum webpage <http://www.populareconomics.org/ussen/node/99> for
updated schedule, logistical information, map,
parking, transportation from airport.*
*artwork by Rini Templeton***
*Thursday – Solidarity Economy Tours*
*Meet at Isenberg SOM building 12:30, depart at 12:50. $10 per person to
cover bus and driver. Limited seats, first come, first served. To reserve a
spot: *contact Lauren Spinney* *laurenspinney at gmail.com 774-402-0111 and
let her know which tour you prefer.
*Southbound to Holyoke: *Simple Gifts CSA, Pioneer Valley Co-housing, Food
for Thought Books (worker collective), Collective Copies (worker
co-operative), Nuestras Raices (urban agric. & economic development in
Latino Community)
*Northbound to Greenfield: * Simple Gifts CSA, Pioneer Valley Co-housing,
Greenfields Market Co-operative, Franklin County Community Development
Corporation (commercial kitchen, business incubator), Co-op Power
(alternative energy co-op), PVSquared (photo-voltaic co-op)
*Saturday night cabaret* 8:30-10:30, Mahar Auditorium
free and open to the public.
Featuring the Raging Grannies, Red Valley Fog, Hay Market/May Day excerpt,
Hip Hop for a Cool Planet, Jay Mankita, Improv. theater from the Villa
Jidiots, and Ethan Miller
for more info. please visit the U.S. SEN website:* **www.ussen.org*
*Many thanks to the generous support of Forum co-sponsors*
BALLE <http://www.livingeconomies.org/>
<http://www.natfed.org/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=1>Center for Popular
Economics <http://www.populareconomics.org/>
Center for Labor & Community Research <http://www.clcr.org/index.php>
Charter of Human
Collective Copies <http://www.collectivecopies.com/cchome.htm>
Community Services Unlimited <http://www.csuinc.org/>
Co-op Power <http://www.cooppower.coop/>
Cooperative Development Institute <http://www.cdi.coop/>
Cooperative Fund of New England <http://www.cooperativefund.org/>
Common Good Finance <http://commongoodbank.com/>
Dean's Beans <http://www.deansbeans.com/>
Grassroots Economic Organizing/Ecological Democracy Institute of North
America <http://www.geonewsletter.org/>
Good Work <http://www.goodwork.org/>
Guramylay: Growing the Green Economy<http://www.growingthegreeneconomy.org/>
Highlander Research & Education Center
<http://www.nasco.coop/>Jubiliee Economics
National Association of Student Cooperatives <http://www.nasco.coop/>
National Federation of Community Development Credit
On the Commons <http://onthecommons.org/>
Sabbath Economics
School of Community Economic Development, SNHU <http://www.snhu.edu/388.asp>
Sea Change Radio <http://www.cchange.net/>
U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives <http://www.usworker.coop/front>
*This Forum was made possible with the generous support of:*
Frances Fund, Inc.
Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation <http://www.noyes.org/>
Jewish Funds for Justice
<http://www.jewishjustice.org/index.php>Rockefeller Brothers
UMass. Student Gov. Assoc. Programing Board <http://blogs.umass.edu/sga/>
"Enlightenment" is one's departure from self-imposed (intellectual,
philosophical and spiritual) immaturity. This immaturity can be defined as
the inablity to use one’s own intellect without the direction of another. It
is self-imposed if its cause is not the lack of intelligence or education,
but lack of determination and courage to think without the direction of
another. "Sapere aude! Have the courage to use your own intellect!" is
therefore the motto of the Enlightenment. - Kant
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