[act-ma] 3/27/09 RFM recording of Chomsky and Fletcher speaking on Challenges Before Us
rleisnerrfm at yahoo.com
rleisnerrfm at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 31 12:32:01 PDT 2009
Radio Free Maine
New Strategies for the Obama Era: Are you ready?
Challenges Before Us
Noam Chomsky
Chomsky notes that 75% of Afghans want negotiations between all groups in Afghanistan. And while President Karzai has 50% popularity, American troops are only 25%. “One of the big problems the US forces, the new forces, are going to face when they get to Afghanistan, of course, one of the problems will be insurgency, the other problem will be they’re not wanted. They’ll have to somehow deal with this rather tricky issue.”
American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, political activist, author and lecturer. Known as the father of modern linguistics, this libertarian socialist is one of the most prolific writers in the U.S. Chomsky is an Institute Professor Emeritus of Linguistics at MIT.
Bill Fletcher, Jr.
Fletcher noted that while there was plenty of anger and rage following the financial collapse last fall, “How little of a response, an organized response, there was. Certainly from the union movement, but also from other social movements.” Fletcher also noted that the next decade will be the 50th anniversary of the 60’s decade. The movement has to make sure that our history is told, not the ruling class’s interpretation.
Labor, peace and justice activist, Senior Scholar for the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, DC, former President of TransAfrica Forum, founder of the Black Radical Congress, and former Vice President for International Trade Union Development Programs for the George Meany Center of the AFL-CIO
Sponsored by AFSC and Tufts University Peace and Justice Studies Department
Recorded by Roger Leisner on March 27, 2009 at Tufts University in Medford, MA*********************************************************************
Available on DVD and VHS video
For information on how to order, please contact
Roger Leisner
Radio Free Maine
P.O. Box 2705
Augusta, Maine 04338
Email: rleisnerrfm at yahoo.com
(207) 242-0643 Cell Phone
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