[act-ma] Socialism 2009: Building a New Left for a New Era

Keith Rosenthal keithmr81 at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 7 09:27:25 PDT 2009

A weekend of revolutionary politics, debate and entertainment

Socialism 2009---two sites this year!
Chicago – June 18-21
San Francisco – July 2-5 
See video ad for Socialism 2009: 

Socialism 2009 will feature the columnists and writers SocialistWorker.org readers have come to know, including:

Anthony Arnove, author of Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal and co-author, with Howard Zinn of Voices of a People’s History of the United States
Paul D’Amato, author of the Meaning of Marxism
Nicole Colson, reporter for SocialistWorker.org
Brian Jones, teacher, actor and activist in New York City whose commentary is also featured on GritTV and SleptOn.com
Alan Maass, editor of SocialistWorker.org and author of The Case for Socialism
Eric Ruder, reporter for SocialistWorker.org
Elizabeth Schulte, reporter for SocialistWorker.org
Lance Selfa, author of The Democrats: A Critical History
Sharon Smith, author of Subterranean Fire: A History of Working Class Radicalism in the United States
Lee Sustar, labor editor for SocialistWorker.org 
Dave Zirin, author of A People's History of Sports in the United States, Nation columnist and host of Edge of Sports Radio

Rose Aguilar, host, Your Call, KALW, 91.7 FM | David Bacon, author, Illegal People | Nora Barrows- Friedman, co-host, Flashpoints Radio, KPFA | Robert Brenner, author, The Economics of Global Turbulence | Dennis Brutus, longtime anti-apartheid and global justice activist | Mike Davis, author In Praise of Barbarians | Laura Flanders, host, GRITtv | Tikva Honig-Parnass, co-author, Between the Lines | Anand Gopal, Afghanistan correspondent for the Christian Science Monitor | Dahr Jamail, author, Beyond the Green Zone | Nativo López, president, Mexican American Political Association | Marlene Martin, Campaign to End the Death Penalty | Anuradha Mittal, director, The Oakland Institute | Christian Parenti, author, The Freedom: Shadows and Hallucinations in Occupied Iraq | Heather Rogers, author, Gone Tomorrow: The Hidden Life of Garbage | Jeffrey St. Clair, co-editor, CounterPunch.org | Ahmed Shawki, editor, International Socialist Review |  Cindy Sheehan,
 founder, Gold Star Families for Peace | Sherry Wolf, author, Sexuality and Socialism

The world economic crisis has shattered the free-market consensus that has dominated politics for the last generation. Meanwhile, the end of the conservative era and the election of the first African American president have raised expectations among working people that long overdue change is coming. With capitalism in crisis, even some in the corporate media are admitting that Karl Marx was right.

There has never been a better time for those who want see fundamental change to get together to debate, to discuss and organize for a new society—a society based on the needs of the many instead of on the whims of a few. In other words, there has never been a better time to organize a new socialist left to meet the challenge of this new era.

This a time for SocialistWorker.org readers to get together and discuss the politics that will make a difference in this new era and the important organizing that we are involved in. Socialism 2009—expanded to two sites this year—will gather together the activists and the struggles you’ve read about in SocialistWorker.org, as well the writers and columnists we feature regularly.

Yes we can organize for socialism in the 21st century! ¡Sí se puede!

Sponsored by Center for Economic Research and Social Change, publisher of International Socialist Review and Haymarket Books, and the International Socialist Organization, publisher of Socialist Worker and Obrero Socialista. 

Register online
or call (773) 583-7884.

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