[act-ma] Policy experts convene in Boston to discuss Obama's progress

Institute for Policy Studies InstituteforPolicyStudies at kelleycampaigns.com
Thu Apr 16 10:49:05 PDT 2009

Hello ,

I'd like to invite you to a discussion next Thursday where progressive policy experts will meet in Boston to talk about social issues, the economy and the environment. All of these experts, who are also authors of a political handbook, Mandate for Change, can speak about Presidential progress in the first 100 days. We would like you to cover this event or include it in your upcoming calendar sections. Please contact me at patricia at kelleycampaigns.com with any questions for to schedule an interview. Thanks.


Patricia Charles
for Institute for Policy Studies
7303 Baltimore Ave., Suite 214
College Park, Md 20740

MEDIA ADVISORY FOR: April 23, 2009

Contact: Patricia Charles, 301-887-1060, patricia at kelleycampaigns.com
Sarah Goldberg, 301-887-1060, sarah at kelleycampaigns.com

Authors and policy leaders address progressive leadership and change in the new Administration

Policy leaders and experts convene in Boston to discuss key social, economic and environmental issues

The Institute for Policy Studies compiled a handbook for President Obama entitled, Mandate for Change: Policies and Leadership for 2009 and Beyond. More than 70 policy leaders and experts outlined policies that can change and strengthen our nation. The Institute for Policy Studies is at the forefront of the progressive movement and the book's authors are convening again in Boston to discuss opportunities for progress. The event is free and open to the public. See below for details.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The discussion will take place from 7pm to 9pm at the First Church in Jamaica Plain, located at 6 Eliot Street in Jamaica Plain, MA.

The event will be jointly hosted by the Institute for Policy Studies and the First Church in Jamaica Plain.

The attending authors include:

--Chester Hartman is Director of Research of the Poverty & Race Research Action Council in Washington, DC as well as a Senior Fellow of the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington. He will be addressing poverty, homelessness and minority issues.

--Chuck Collins is Senior Scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies. He is an expert on economic issues including taxes and extreme inequality.

--Janet Redman is the Co-Director of the Sustainable Energy and Economy Network at the Institute for Policy Studies. She will be speaking about climate policy.

To interview any of the policy experts on the issues above or to request review copies of their contributions to the book, please contact Patricia Charles or Sarah Goldberg at (301) 887-1060 or by email at patricia at kelleycampaigns.com or sarah at kelleycampaigns.com.

For more information about the event, visit www.jamaicaplainforum.org/2009/03/27/mandate-for-change/. To learn more about the book, including a full listing of chapters and authors, visit www.mandate4change.org.


About Institute for Policy Studies
Institute for Policy Studies (IPS-DC.org) strengthens social movements with independent research, visionary thinking, and links to the grassroots, scholars and elected officials. Since 1963 it has empowered people to build healthy and democratic societies in communities, the United States, and the world.

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