[act-ma] Sunday, April 26, 10:30AM, The Girl I left behind: A Narrative History of the 1960's and how Women Transformed America

John Lampert goodmanjl at comcast.net
Fri Apr 24 11:51:01 PDT 2009

>From John Lampert

Sunday morning, April 26 at 10:30AM, the Ethical Society of Boston will have a program titled:

                                       THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND: A NARRATIVE HISTORY OF THE 1960'S AND
                                       HOW WOMEN TRANSFORMED AMERICA

                      Program Speaker: Judith Nies, author, "The Girl I left Behind", Ms. Nies discusses her memoir about living and coping with sexism in the political 1960s. She was chief staffer to a core of anti-Vietnam War congressmen, and a pioneer in overcoming the limited roles for women in society and politics.                      
                   Program location: Longy School of Music, 33 Garden St., Cambridge, (near Harvard Sq.)
                                                 Call (617) 739-9050 or visit BostonEthical.Org
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