[act-ma] June 13 - UJP Strategy Conference and Afghanistan Briefing

Cole Harrison rozziecole at gmail.com
Sun May 31 08:41:06 PDT 2009

Saturday, June 13 - UJP Strategy Conference and Afghanistan Briefing Let's
all get together with each other again.....

On *Saturday June 13* from 1-5 in the afternoon, all of us in UJP will
gather for our next strategy meeting. Once again, we will be meeting at the
Cambridge Friends Center in the Harvard Square area.

To start the conference off, two speakers will assess the crises in
Afghanistan and Pakistan:
[image: Joseph Gerson]

*Dr. Joseph Gerson* is Director of Programs and Director of the Peace and
Economic Security Program, American Friends Service Committee, New
England.    Dr. Gerson’s program work focuses on challenging and overcoming
U.S. global hegemony: its preparations for and threats to initiate nuclear
war, and its military domination of the Asia-Pacific and the Middle East.
[image: Adil Najam]

*Prof. Adil Najam* is Professor of International Relations and Geography and
the Environment at Boston University.    He was a lead author for the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which received the Nobel
Prize in 2007.   He edits the Pakistani affairs blog *pakistaniat.com* and
testified at the Congressional Progressive Caucus’ April forum on

We will then have discussions about how we can mobilize around 4 campaigns:

   - Opposing the Afghanistan/Pakistan wars
   - Cutting the Military Budget (“The 25% solution”)
   - Abolishing nuclear weapons
   - Boycott Motorola to end the Israeli occupation of Palestine

We will be guided through this section of the Agenda by the four UJP working
groups who have organized these campaigns.

We will also have a period of open discussion about the state of the peace
movement and about UJP in this confusing period.

Finally, we will have a report by the UJP structure committee on its
recommendations for a new, and hopefully more effective, structure for UJP.
 A draft of the structure plan will be sent out as an attachment in a week
or so.   Please come prepared to discuss it as what we decide will have a
significant impact on UJP and all of its member groups.  Hopefully we will
emerge from the meeting with at least an interim structure that we can later

*Saturday, June 13* 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. Friends Meeting House 5 Longfellow
Park, Cambridge


 *Directions to the Friends Meeting House:*

The Friends Center is about a 10 minute walk from Harvard Sq. Parking in the
area is limited, but there is some.
5 Longfellow Park (off Brattle St.)
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138-4816
Click to obtain a map <http://www.fmcquaker.org/FMC-Map_2006.pdf> of
location of the Meeting House.

If you are coming from Harvard Square, come South on Brattle Street. If you
are coming on the T, take the T to Harvard Square stop on the Red Line. It
is easiest to find Brattle Street by leaving the T station from the Brattle
Street Entrance rather than one of the other multiple entrances, because
that entrance puts you at the beginning of Brattle Street.

You will pass Hawthorne Street on your left (it is a small street).
Longfellow Park is between Hawthorne and Willard Street. Almost immediately
after Hawthorne is our street, Longfellow Park, which is directly across
from the historic Longfellow house.
There is no street sign but there are cobble stones at the beginning of the
street, and Longfellow Park is a "horseshoe/circular drive" shaped street
with a big grassy area in the middle of it. If you get to Willard Street you
have gone too far. On the left side of Longfellow Park (side closest to
Hawthorne Street) is the Church of Latter Day Saints, with a big white
steeple. That is not us. On the right side of the street are two smaller
brick buildings with a driveway between them. The right hand brick building
is the Quaker Meeting House.

If you are driving and wish to avoid Harvard Square, you can go the Memorial
Drive Route. To do that, take Massachusetts Avenue to Memorial Drive. Turn
South on Memorial Drive (left if coming from Boston, right if coming from
Cambridge). Just past JFK Street (and a bridge over the Charles River) is a
small street that angles off to the right, and lasts for only one block.
Take it. At the end of it you will be at Mt. Auburn Street. Hawthorne Street
is in front of you but is one way the wrong way, so turn left onto Mt.
Auburn. Make an immediate right onto Willard Street, which is the first
possible right turn. Go to the end (a block or so). You will be at the
intersection of Brattle and Willard. Turn right, and almost immediately turn
right again at first available opportunity. If you get to Hawthorne Street,
you have gone too far!

There is no street sign but there are cobble stones at the beginning of the
street, and Longfellow Park is a "horseshoe shaped/circular drive" street
with a big grassy area in the middle of it. On the left side of the
Longfellow Park Street (side closest to Hawthorne Street) is the Church of
Latter Day Saints, with a big white steeple. That is not us. On the right
side of the street are two smaller brick buildings with a driveway between
them. The right hand brick building is the Quaker Meeting House.


United for Justice with Peace <http://justicewithpeace.org> is a coalition
of peace and justice organizations and community peace groups in the Greater
Boston region. The UJP Coalition, formed after September 11th, seeks global
peace through social and economic justice.

ujpcoalition at gmail.com
 617-491-4UJP www.justicewithpeace.org

Upcoming Events:
  Dorchester Day Parade - Peace
Jun 712:00pmDorchester Lower Mills  Report Back from Recent Cuba
Jun 126:30pmBrookline High School  UJP Strategy Conference - June
Jun 131:00pmFriends Meeting House Boycott Motorola Weekly
Jun 131:00pmHarvard Sq.

More Peace and Justice Events <http://justicewithpeace.org/upcoming-events>
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