[act-ma] 6/12 This Friday Cuba Today

Amy Hendrickson amyh at texnology.com
Wed Jun 10 19:49:15 PDT 2009


C U B A   T O D A Y !


Report back from Cuba Travelers

Friday June 12, 6:30

MLK Room, Brookline High School

(Brookline Hills T stop on `D' Green Line)



Nancy Kohn: Slideshow   When Nancy visited Cuba for the first time in November of 2006, she was so moved by seeing the advanced state of universal and comprehensive health care in Cuba that she has become an activist around breaking the wall of silence, not only surrounding health care in Cuba but also on the case of The Cuban Five. She has visited Cuba several more times, most recently last December/January. 

Nancy has a Master's in Public Health, is Field Director at The Access Project and an active member of the International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban Five

Short reports by others who have visited Cuba recently



Audience discussion, Cuban music/dance, Cuban refreshments




Sponsored by the July 26th Coalition and Brookline PeaceWorks


For more information, 617 738-8029 or 781 286-3600
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