[act-ma] 6/17 Forum: The Latin American Left, Today

David O. Knuttunen webmaster at dsaboston.org
Sun Jun 14 13:13:10 PDT 2009

Boston DSA Forum: The Latin American Left Today

The astonishing progression of leftist election victories in Latin 
America-most recently in El Salvador-has surprised and dismayed 
Washington policymakers in recent years. Will these democratic left 
regimes and social movements have more breathing space with the Obama 
administration? Our speakers have long experience in Latin America as 
scholars and activists.

Saulo Araujo is Program Coordinator for Brazil and Central America at 
Grassroots International, specializing in issues of environment, 
agriculture and global trade.

Lorena Calderon is a member of Colombia Vive, and is active in their 
efforts to oppose the U.S. Colombian Free Trade Agreement

Marc Saint-Upery is a French journalist, translator and analyst living 
in Ecuador since 1997.He has written for various French and Latin 
American journals, and is the author of Bolivar's Dream: The Left's 
Challenge in Latin America.

Wed, June 17, 7:00 pm
The Democracy Center
45 Mt. Auburn Street, Cambridge (Harvard Sq.)
Free admission

For more information: 617-354-5078

Boston Democratic Socialists of America
P.O. Box 51356, Boston MA 02205
(617) 354-5078

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