[act-ma] Cindy Sheehan at Regent Theatre Mon. 6/29!

Nate Goldshlag nateg at pobox.com
Wed Jun 17 13:42:21 PDT 2009

Hi folks,

Veterans For Peace is sponsoring a talk by Gold Star antiwar mother,  
author, and activist Cindy Sheehan at the Regent Theatre, 7 Medford  
St. in Arlington (just steps from Mass. Ave.), on Monday June 29th at  
7:30 PM.  Please notify your friends and mailing lists, Facebook, etc.  
and help us publicize this widely. The event is free but there is a  
suggested $5 donation.  A flyer is enclosed to distribute.

Nate Goldshlag
Coordinator, Smedley Butler Brigade Chapter 9, Veterans For Peace

Sent from my iPhone

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