[act-ma] CO speaking Sat. June 27th, 2009 6:45 PM in Sherborn

Carol Coakley coakley50 at earthlink.net
Thu Jun 25 15:02:53 PDT 2009

"Conscientious Objector, Iraq War Vet to speak at Peace Abbey
 >Josh Stieber will be speaking at the
Peace Abbey,
2 North Main Street (Rt. 27),
Sherborn, MA
June 27 at 6:45. Free and open to all.
 >Josh joined the service fresh out of high school, thinking he would  
be defending God and America and saving an oppressed people from a  
cruel dictator. When he got to Iraq his started to question his  
thinking. He applied for Conscientious Objector status and after a  
year in the service was granted a discharge.  Stieber is biking around  
the country to help bring attention to the organizations and groups  
who are working for peace through non-violent methods. J See his blog at
 >Sponsored by Metrowest Peace Action, Contact info: coakley50 at earthlink.net 

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