[act-ma] 9/25 - 9/26 - Protests against Pres. of Colombia Alvaro Uribe

Sergio Reyes sreyes1 at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 22 18:17:29 PDT 2009

Greetings from the Colombian Democratic and Alternative Pole of Boston,
As most of you already know, Colombian president Alvaro Uribe will be visiting JFK School of Government @ Harvard, and East Boston High School in East Boston. We strongly disagree with his totalitarian and antidemocratic practices and ideals, so we will protest!
This is just a little reminder, and announcement for the events that will take place on: 

Friday September 25th, @ Harvard 
1:00PM & 5:00PM
John F. Kennedy School of Government
79 John F. Kennedy Street
Cambridge, MA 

Saturday September 26th, @ East Boston
8:00AM Welcoming &
11:00AM Rally
Liberty Plaza
220 Border St
East Boston, MA 

Please Spread The Word!
We hope to count with your presence and support on this events.
Thank you!

For A Decent Colombia!


Un Cordial Saludo Del Polo Democrático Alternativo De Boston,
Como la mayoría de ustedes ya están enterados, el presidente Colombiano Álvaro Uribe estar visitando la escuela de gobierno JFK en Harvard, Y la East Boston High School en East Boston. Nosotros estamos en desacuerdo con sus prácticas e ideales totalitarios y antidemocráticos, ¡Así que protestaremos!
Este es un pequeño aviso y convocatoria para los eventos que tomaran lugar en:

Viernes Septiembre 25, En Harvard 
1:00PM & 5:00PM
John F. Kennedy School of Government
79 John F. Kennedy Street
Cambridge, MA 

Sábado Septiembre 26, En East Boston
8:00AM Bienvenida &
11:00AM Protesta
Liberty Plaza
220 Border St
East Boston, MA 

¡Por Favor Difunde Esta Información!
Esperamos contar con tu presencia y apoyo en estos eventos.

¡Por Un País Decente!

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