[act-ma] Break the Siege of Gaza, Oct. 8 (latest flyer and text announcement)

Marilyn Levin marilynL at alumni.neu.edu
Sun Sep 27 22:40:35 PDT 2009





Palestine Cultural Center for Peace, 41 Quint Avenue, Allston, MA


Benefit to send Boston youth on the Gaza Freedom March New Year's Day, 2010


Human Rights Watch has called the siege of Gaza "a serious violation of international law".  The conscience of humankind is shocked.  Yet the siege of Gaza continues.  Join people from around the world on January 1, 2010 on the mile long march to Gaza.  The world will be watching.  www.gazafreedommarch.org




Susan Akram - Clinical Professor at Boston University Law School and international human rights expert who will speak on the newly-released Goldstone Report citing Israel for breaking international law.

Nancy Murray -- Founder and president of the Gaza Mental Health Foundation, Inc. Member, Coordinating Committee of the Gaza Freedom March.

Sarah Roche-Mahdi - Scholar, writer, women's reproductive rights activist, Greater Boston Code Pink organizer. Traveled to Gaza in March and Israel/Palestine in June as Code Pink delegate.

Jeff Klein - Longtime union leader and peace/justice campaigner, active in Dorchester People for Peace and community/political organizing.  Went to Gaza on Viva Palestina-US Gaza Convoy.


Suggested donation $5.00                                   Refreshments will be served.


Sponsor: Palestine Task Force, United for Justice with Peace

                www. justicewithpeace.org          617-491-4857
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