[act-ma] 10/14 Conference: SOA graduates involvement in coups in Honduras and Venezuela

Consulate events.venezuelan.consulate at gmail.com
Thu Oct 8 14:58:34 PDT 2009

*The Western Hemisphere Project*

Presents the Discussion:

*The involvement of graduates from the School of the Americas in the Coup
d'état in Honduras and Venezuela *


*Lisa Sullivan*, Latin America Coordinator for the School of the Americas

*Omar Sierra,* Consul General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in

 *Wednesday October 14th 6:00PM*

 *Wong Auditorium *(E51-115)

70 Memorial Dr., Cambridge. Tang Center, MIT

Free admission. For further information write to:
info.venezuela.event at gmail.com

 *Lisa Sullivan* has lived for in Latin America since 1977. She worked for
21 years as a Maryknoll lay missioner in Venezuela and Bolivia, raising her
three children in the barrios of Barquisimeto, Venezuela. She is the founder
of the grassroots leadership group, Centro de Formación Rutilio Grande. Lisa
is currently the coordinator for Partnership America Latina (PAL).

This initiative of SOAW seeks to connect North and South partners in the
movement to close the School of the Americas and promote peace in the
region. Lisa has helped to organize numerous SOAW delegations to meet with
leaders in Latin America, leading to the withdrawal of five countries from
the SOA.
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