[act-ma] Events

George Mokray gmoke at world.std.com
Sun Nov 29 20:08:07 PST 2009

Monday, November 30, 2009
Urban Poverty and the Environment
Speaker: Mark Redwood

Time: 1:00p–2:15p

Location: E40-496

Lecure by Mark Redwood, International Development Research Centre.

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): Center for International Studies, Program on Environmental  
Governance and Sustainability; Global

For more information, contact:
JoAnn Carmin
jcarmin at MIT.EDU

Wednesday, December 02, 2009
New Century Cities: a 21st century city-building enterprise
Speaker: Michael Joroff, DUSP; Francisca Rojas, PhD Candidate, DUSP

Time: 12:30p–2:00p

Location: 9-450

DUSP Speaker Series
Weekly lunchtime speaker series for the Department of Urban Studies  
and Planning. The Fall 2009 Series will feature short modules (3-4  
week sessions) on a variety of topics highlighting the work of current  
DUSP faculty and alums.

THE RESPONSIVE CITY: a four-part series

The Responsive City speaker series explores the diverse ways that  
digital media and telecommunications technologies are expanding  
possibilities for research, design and practice within the field of  
urban studies and planning. The work presented in this series  
eitherintervenes or investigates the interface between people,  
technologies and the city. Our assertion is that the digital  
revolution is changing the way we live today as radically as the  
Industrial Revolution did almost two centuries ago. As such, the  
speakers and panelists in the Responsive City series propose various  
ways to investigate and anticipate these changes and their  
implications at the urban scale: ranging from waste disposal to  
historic preservation to building social capital through real estate  
development. This work draws on diverse fields such as urban planning,  
architecture, design, management, engineering, computer science and  
social science to capture the multi-disciplinary nature of urban  

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): Department of Urban Studies and Planning

For more information, contact:
Ezra Glenn
eglenn at mit.edu

Thursday, December 03, 2009
Energy 101: Climate Science
Speaker: Rebecca Dell

Time: 12:00p–1:00p

Location: 56-154

Energy 101
Energy 101 is a lecture series put on by the MIT Energy Club focusing  
on the basic technology, policy, business, and economic issues  
surrounding many basic energy topics. Lectures will be held once or  
twice and month and are delivered by students.

Come hear graduate student Rebecca Dell give a primer on climate  
science with a focus on the effects of carbon dioxide on the  
environment. The lecture will cover the methods, data, and results  
that indicate how are climate has changed and will change over time in  
response to both natural and human influences.

Sponsored by the GSC Funding Board.

Lunch will be provided.

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): MIT Energy Club

For more information, contact:
Tim Heidel
energy-events at mit.edu

Thursday, December 03, 2009
Center for 21st Century Energy Fall Seminar Series
Speaker: Seung Woo Lee

Time: 4:00p–5:30p

Location: 37-212

Center for 21st Century Energy Seminar Series

Technical seminars or a broader seminars on a topics related to  
engines, fuels, vehicle behavior, broader transportation energy  

Web site: http://web.mit.edu/sloan-auto-lab/seminars/thisweekseminar.pdf

Open to: the general public

Cost: Free

Sponsor(s): Center for 21st Century Energy

For more information, contact:
Janet Maslow
jsabio at mit.edu

Thursday, December 03, 2009
Ecological Intelligence: A Talk by Daniel Goleman
Speaker: Daniel Goleman

Time: 6:00p–7:30p

Location: 4-370


Daniel Goleman is an internationally known psychologist who lectures  
frequently to professional groups, business audiences, and on college  
campuses. Working as a science journalist, Goleman reported on the  
brain and behavioral sciences for The New York Times for many years.  
His 1995 book, Emotional Intelligence (Bantam Books) was on The New  
York Times bestseller list for a year-and-a-half; with more than  
5,000,000 copies in print worldwide in 30 languages, and has been a  
best seller in many countries. Goleman?s latest book is Ecological  
Intelligence: How Knowing the Hidden Impacts of What We Buy Can Change  
Everything. The book argues that new information technologies will  
create ?radical transparency,? allowing us to know the environmental,  
health, and social consequences of what we buy. As shoppers use point- 
of-purchase ecological comparisons to guide their purchases, market  
share will shift to support steady, incremental upgrades in how  
products are made ? changing every thing for the better. Social  
Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships, was published in  
2006. Social intelligence, the interpersonal part of emotional  
intelligence, can now be understood in terms of recent findings from  
neuroscience. Goleman?s book describes the many implications of this  
new science, including for altruism, parenting, love, health, learning  
and leadership.

Web site: http://thecenter.mit.edu/

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values,  
MIT Leadership Center

For more information, contact:
Tenzin Priyadarshi
DalaiLamaCenter at mit.edu

Friday, December 04, 2009
Tour of the Beacon Power Energy Storage Facility
Time: 11:00a–1:00p

Location: Tyngsboro, MA

Join the Energy Club on a tour of the Beacon Power facility. Beacon  
Power is a leader in flywheel energy storage design and develops  
commercial scale flywheel-based energy storage solutions for grid- 
scale frequency regulation services and other energy storage  

In the tour you'll get to see the cutting edge deployment of the  
'Smart Energy 25' flywheel advanced energy storage systems developed  
by Beacon Power. You'll also learn how an array of these systems can  
be configured to provide highly dispatchable storage for megawatts of  

To sign up for this tour, email nwike at mit.edu. There is limited space  
on the tour. Be sure to take the virtual tour on the Beacon Power  
website to learn more about the facility.

Web site: http://www.beaconpower.com

Open to: the general public

Sponsor(s): MIT Energy Club

For more information, contact:
Nwike Iloeje
nwike at mit.edu

Friday, December 04, 2009
Urban Lab Launch - New Media, Mobile Platforms, and Community Organizing
Speaker: Chuck Baker- President Sahara Communications, Brooke Emerson-  
Brand Manager-Translation LLC, Rick Borovoy- MIT Media Lab, Walter  
Mosley- Author

Time: 3:30p–6:30p

Location: E15-Bartos Theater

The Urban Lab will officially launch on Friday, December 4th, at The  
Bartos Theater.

Incubated in DUSP Community Innovators Lab, the Urban Lab studies the  
effectiveness of community organizing through new media and mobile  
platforms. Experts from the worlds of communications, marketing, and  
social media will share their insight and discuss the challenges and  
opportunities of bringing community organizing into the 21st century.

The panel includes:
Chuck Baker- President Sahara Communications
Brooke Emerson- Brand Manager-Translation LLC
Rick Borovoy- MIT Media Lab
Walter Mosley- Author

Doors open at 3:30pm and dinner will be served at 5:30pm. Space is  
limited, please RSVP to mlazu at mit.edu

Open to: the general public

Cost: free with RSVP

Sponsor(s): Department of Urban Studies and Planning

For more information, contact:
Malia Lazu
malialazu at gmail.com


Monday, November 30, 2009
Time:  1:00 PM
Accelerating Innovation in Energy: Lessons from other Sectors

Location: Fainsod Room (Littauer 324, Harvard Kennedy School)

Borrowing Nature's Blueprints: Biomimicry and the Art of Well-Adapted  
Tue., Dec. 1, 2009, 6:30 p.m.
GSD, 48 Quincy St., Cambridge, MA
Art/Design, Presentation/Lecture
Janine Benyus
Free and open to the public.

Boston University

Presidential Lecture on Energy and Environmental SustainabilityJulio  
Friedmann, PhD
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
4:00 pm – 5: 15 pm
Registration required, http://www.bu.edu/energy/newsevents/pres-lectures/registration/
This event is no charge and open to the public.

Photonics Building Room 206 Auditorium
8 Saint Mary’s Street, Boston, MA

Low-impact Fossil Energy: the Keystone to Sustainability
To achieve dramatic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and overall  
environmental impact of energy production and use, the US must  
accelerate development and deployment of many pathways to reduced  
energy use and low-carbon energy production. Within this portfolio,  
the production and use of fossil energy, including coal, gas, and oil,  
remains a difficult and persistent concern. This talk will focus on  
technology options to reduce the emission and impact from fossil  
energy as part of a portfolio of sustainable solutions, including  
carbon capture and sequestration and underground coal gasification.

Julio Friedmann is one of the most widely known and authoritative  
experts in the US on carbon capture and sequestration and underground  
coal gasification. In his current appointment as Carbon Management  
Program Leader for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, he leads  
initiatives and research into carbon capture, carbon storage, and  
fossil fuel recovery and utilization. In this role, he has testified  
before the US house, Senate, and several state legislatures, published  
in Foreign Affairs and the New York Times, and worked with the EPA,  
USGS, many private companies, many NGOs, and Dept. of Energy. He is a  
principle co-author on the MIT “Future of Coal Energy” Report, the  
National Petroleum Council report “Facing Hard Truths”, and the World  
Resources Institute “CCS Guidelines” report. Julio has led technical  
work on In Salah, Weyburn, Sleipner, and large CCS projects in China.  
Julio received his B.S and M.S. degrees from M.I.T., followed by a  
Ph.D. at the Univ. So. California. After graduation, he worked for  
five years as a senior research scientist in Houston, first at Exxon  
and later ExxonMobil. He next worked as a research scientist at the  
Univ. of Maryland, collaborating with the Joint Global Change Research  
Institute (JGCRI) at the Univ. of Maryland, and the Colorado Energy  
Research Institute at Colorado School of Mines. His research interests  
include carbon sequestration, underground coal gasification,  
hydrocarbon systems, deep-water depositional systems, basin & range  
tectonics and sedimentation, sequence stratigraphy, and landslide  
physics. A native of Rhode Island, he has worked in CA, WA, UT, WY,  
CO, Spain, Ireland, the North Sea, Nigeria, Angola, Venezuela,  
Azerbaijan, and Australia.

Hosted by Boston University Clean Energy and Environmental  
Sustainability Initiative
To subscribe to our mailing lists, please visit us at www.bu.edu/energy
The BU Presidential lectures provide a forum to learn from leaders  
about best practices, leading edge research,and, policy and market  
trends in the fields of clean technology and energy sustainability.  
Drawing a diverse audience from academia, industry, venture and  
government, these lectures provide a catalyst for discussion around  
technology, development, and research requirements that drive market  
growth and innovation in this crucial sector.



9 - 12:30p

Restructuring Roundtable

Foley Hoag LLP
155 Seaport Boulevard, Boston, MA 02210 • 617-832-1000

Sustainable Forestry/Biomass and Energy in New England
David Cash, Assistant Secretary, MA EOEEA
Representative of NESCAUM, TBA
Tom Walker, Natural Resource Economist
Jasen Stock, NH Timberland Owners Assoc.
Representative of Maine's Forest Service, TBA
Wind Siting Reform Act
Ken Kimmell, General Counsel, MA EOEEA
Transformative New Energy Technologies
Pat Cloney, Interim Exec. Dir., MA Clean Energy Ctr.
Larry Gelbien, VP of Engineering, NSTAR

Saturday, December 5

Museum of Science

On December 5, be on hand as we kick off a scientific conference on  
global warming, featuring experts from La Cité des Sciences in Paris,  
the Museum of Science, and the Danish Government in Copenhagen. In  
addition, climate scientists and policymakers from the European Union  
and the United States government share their perspectives. 10:00 a.m.,  
Cahners Theater (space is limited).

Speakers include: Bob Corell, vice president of programs, Global  
Change Office, Heinz Center for Science, Economics, and the  
Environment and Peter Schultz, director of President Obama's Climate  
Change Science Program Office.

Weatherization Barnraisings

Sunday, December 6th,
12:30—5:00 p.m.
258 River St. AND
127 Montgomery St. Cambridge

	• Pitch in to help a neighbor
	• Learn skills that can save you $$ at home
	• Make new friends
	• Share food & celebrate with a live band!
	• No skills necessary – training on the job
Work includes:
	• Fixing windows that don’t close
	• Installing inexpensive, reusable interior storm windows, just a few  
$ per window
	• Sealing the band-joist (where the foundation meets the frame of the  
	• Using caulk and spray-foam to stop air leaks
	• Saving water and electricity
	• and much more…
Sign up today by web, email or phone!!
heet.cambridge at gmail.com

Organized by HEET (Home Energy Efficiency Team),
a Cambridge-based co-op that brings neighbors together to weatherize  
our homes and take the energy future into our own hands.

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Area4  Free Energy Efficiency Game Show & Workshop at Margaret Fuller  

FREE Energy Efficiency Game Show+ Hands-On Workshop
It's FREE! Cut your energy bills! Win prizes!
Saturday, Dec. 5th, 10-11:30 a.m.
Margaret Fuller House, 71 Cherry St. Cambridge
· How much will compact fluorescent bulbs cutyour electric bill?  
(hint.a lot!)
· What is a programmable thermostat and why should you care?
· Use a caulk gun to seal drafty windows and doors

These are just some of the practical tips and skills you will learn in  
our Energy Efficiency Game Show & Workshop!

To register, email Laurel at laurel at maxmediacorp.com.
Co-sponsored by HEET and CEA

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