[act-ma] 1/26 Socialism for the 21st Century Study Group Tuesday evening

Emily Clifford eecbrd at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 22 11:51:20 PST 2010


Now that the most severe economic crisis in 70 years has put socialism is back on the agenda. Boston Radical Education Project invites radicals of all stripes to join a
self-led study group to discuss and debate how to strengthen socialist movements in a new era of globalizing and declining capitalism—“Socialism for the 21st Century”.

Study group will meet twice a month starting Tuesday January 26: 6:30 PM

First meeting location:
Encuentro 5--33 Harrison Ave 5th floor Chinatown.
(for directions from MBTA http://www.encuentro5.org/home/node/3)
study group will be collectively-led by participants. Every member will
have the opportunity to lead discussion(s) on issues and short readings
of their choice.

Topics will range wherever member interest leads around questions like:

What are the lessons—positive and negative- of past socialist organizing?
What are the most explosive weaknesses and contradictions of capitalism today and how can we take advantag of them?
What sectors among the oppressed are in motion and how can we strengthen their struggles?
What forms of organization make sense in the current era?
What on the ground experiments are most promising worldwide and what can we learn from them for the US?

expect, in fact welcome disagreements, asking only that participants
commit to comradely debate.  We especially urge activists new to
socialism to join in.

We may have to limit participation if
numbers become too unwieldy –so reserve your spot today. Don’t miss out
on your chance to debate with and learn from fellow activists!

To reserve a space or get more info contact the
repboston at gmail.com
mailto:repboston at gmail.com

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