[act-ma] 2/24 Is Inequality Making Us Sick? film/discussion at CCI (Wed)

Janet janet at communitychangeinc.org
Mon Feb 1 12:57:30 PST 2010

CCI Antiracism Film/Discussion Series:

  Unnatural Causes: Is Inequality Making Us Sick?

Unnatural Causes is a groundbreaking film series that reveals some  
reasons why some of us get sicker more often and die sooner. There’s  
more to our wellbeing than genes, behaviors, and medical care;  
Unnatural Causes documents how inequities in the rest of our lives –  
the jobs we do, the stress we experience, the neighborhoods we live  
in – can get under the skin and disrupt our biology as surely as  
germs and viruses. Solutions lie not in more pills but in more  
equitable social policies.

When the Bough Breaks
Can racism become embedded in the body and affect birth outcomes?

Feb 24 Wednesday
Noon-1:30 p.m.
The Community Change Library on Racism
14 Beacon Street, Room 605
Boston MA 02139
African American infant mortality rates remain twice as high as for  
white Americans. African/American mothers with college degrees or  
higher face the same risk of having low birth-weightbabies as white  
women who haven’t finished high school. How might the chronic stress  
of racism over the life course become embedded in our bodies and  
increase risks?

  Please join Community Change Staff and friends for a screening of  
this film followed by a community conversation. Please bring your  
lunch. Beverages will be provided. $5 contribution requested.  
RESERVATIONS REQUIRED: RSVP 617-523-0555, janet at communitychangeinc.org

Community Change, Inc. was born out of the Civil Rights Movement and  
in response to the Kerner Commission which named racism as "a white  
problem." Since 1968, CCI has done what few organizations are willing  
to do: shine a spotlight on the roots of racism in white culture with  
the intention of dealing with racism at its source, as well as with  
its impact on communities of color.
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