[act-ma] At the Jamaica Plain Forum Sunday: Backyard Keeping Basics

Elizabeth Wambui lizw at ips-dc.org
Mon Mar 8 12:11:35 PST 2010


Below is information regarding our upcoming program. Attached is a  
media release.

When: Sunday, March 14 @ 3:00 PM
Where: First Church in Jamaica Plain Unitarian Universalist, 6 Eliot  
Street, Jamaica Plain
In this birdkeeping 101 class, Joan Teebagy will share the basic how- 
tos of safely rearing chickens in urban and suburban environments.   
She will touch upon the legal side of poultry-rearing, and discuss  
local city codes and recent citizen-backed changes to ordinances.

When: Friday, March 12 @ 7 PM
Where: First Church in Jamaica Plain Unitarian Universalist, 6 Eliot  
Street, Jamaica Plain
It's under our feet and under our fingernails, but what is it? And how  
did it get there? Inspired by William Bryant Logan's acclaimed book  
Dirt: The Ecstatic Skin of the Earth, find out how industrial farming,  
mining and urban development have led us toward cataclysmic droughts,  
starvation, floods and climate change. Dirt is a part of everything we  
eat, drink and breathe. Which is why we should stop treating it like,  

Thank you

Elizabeth Wambui
Institute for Policy Studies-Northeast Office
Office Manager and Jamaica Plain Forum Coordinator
E-Mail: LizW at Ips-dc.org
Phone: 617-477-8630 Ext.301
Fax: 617-477-8634
Program on Inequality and Common Good

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